Monday 20 May 2013

Clipped Together

Today it was my last day in the office and to mark such a momentous occasion it seemed fitting to hold the wedding of Mr Paperclip Man and Miss Paperclip Lady.

All the paperclips gather excitedly for the wedding 

Miss Paperclip Lady arrives with a veil and a nice bouquet of flowers

She glides up the aisle towards where Mr Paperclip Man is waiting for her with Rev Paperclip Man

Rev Paperclip Man begins the ceremony but suddenly...

The ceremony is interrupted by the appearance of Evil Dr Paperclip Man! He stops the ceremony and objects to the marriage...

What will happen to the happy couple? Will Evil Dr Paperclip Man stop the wedding for good? Will Miss Paperclip Lady ever become Mrs Paperclip Man?

Find out... someday

Many thanks to my creative friend who provides inspiration when needed

Sunday 19 May 2013

Elastic Bands

I seem to have a multiplying pile of elastic bands. I only had three when I first moved into my office. They seem to get everywhere and aren't very good at staying in their box. My desk is usually covered in them! Mr Paperclip Man enjoys using them as a bouncy castle and to just lounge around...

Creepy Crawlies

I had thought that I had left the scary spiders behind when I left Australia. That was until this arrived with the post...

Tuesday 14 May 2013

Into the Unknown

Mr Paperclip Man ventured bravely to see what was in the Boss' office...

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Glory, Glory Man United

After hearing the news today that Fergie is to retire at the end of the season, Mr Paperclip Man and Miss Paperclip Lady have a football match in his honour.

Mr Paperclip Man is set up for an easy shot at close range - but can Miss Paperclip Lady stop it?

Oh, but it's just not quite on target! As Miss Paperclip Lady takes a dive all Mr Paperclip Man can do is look on as his shot hits the post

I don't believe it! Mr Paperclip Man heads the ball as it rebounds off the post... can he...?

Oh, what a goal! It soars over Miss Paperclip Lady's head and into the net. Mr Paperclip Man celebrates by sliding on his knees as the crowd go wild!

Friday 3 May 2013

New Weapon!

The other day I was looking for more pens at the spare desk in the office and I found this post knife. I have claimed it for my desk now... means less paper cuts when opening the post!

Unfortunately it doesn't help with stuffing envelopes at the end of the day... I currently have a very large paper cut on the tip of one of my fingers. Offices are dangerous places!