Saturday 14 December 2013


As Christmas is coming and we're all feeling wintery, Mr Paperclip Man made a sledge from the bottom of a hole punch and had some fun on the banister

Ready to set off from the top

It's pretty steep!

Phew! They made it all the way to the bottom without falling off

Monday 2 December 2013

A Winter Walk part 2

As we left it, Mrs Paperclip Man was stuck in a sack of paper recycling with no way out!

Mr Paperclip Man lent over the rim of the back to try to reach her but he couldn't!

So he dropped down a treasury tag for her to climb up

And he saved her from a papery death

Tuesday 26 November 2013

A Winter Walk

Today Mr and Mrs Paperclip Man decided to take a walk to the other side of the office.

The vast emptiness of the floor in front of them was rather daunting

But they made it across the room and had a quick play on the epic stapler

They then decided to climb the mound of paper recycling...

But as they were crossing the pile, Mrs Paperclip Man fell into one of the sacks!

What will happen to Mrs Paperclip Man?! Will she be stuck forever? Will she be taken with the recycling and turned into toilet roll...?

Saturday 23 November 2013

The Day of The Doctor

Mr and Mrs Paperclip Man get ready for the 50th Anniversary episode of Doctor Who

Friday 11 October 2013

The Return of Mr Paperclip Man

We last saw Mr Paperclip Man about to marry Miss Paperclip Lady, only to be interupted by Evil Dr Paperclip Man. 

 Evil Dr Paperclip Man kidnapped Miss Paperclip Lady from her wedding and the pair disappeared, but Mr Paperclip Man did not give up hope.

Mr Paperclip Man searched high

And searched low

Until eventually he found Miss Paperclip Lady imprisoned in a desk drawer

  He fought with Evil Dr Paperclip Man 

Evil Dr Paperclip Man slipped and fell

And finally Mr Paperclip Man was reunited with Miss Paperclip Lady

They were able to get married

And Mr and Mrs Paperclip Man have finally returned to work after a few months of adventure.

Monday 20 May 2013

Clipped Together

Today it was my last day in the office and to mark such a momentous occasion it seemed fitting to hold the wedding of Mr Paperclip Man and Miss Paperclip Lady.

All the paperclips gather excitedly for the wedding 

Miss Paperclip Lady arrives with a veil and a nice bouquet of flowers

She glides up the aisle towards where Mr Paperclip Man is waiting for her with Rev Paperclip Man

Rev Paperclip Man begins the ceremony but suddenly...

The ceremony is interrupted by the appearance of Evil Dr Paperclip Man! He stops the ceremony and objects to the marriage...

What will happen to the happy couple? Will Evil Dr Paperclip Man stop the wedding for good? Will Miss Paperclip Lady ever become Mrs Paperclip Man?

Find out... someday

Many thanks to my creative friend who provides inspiration when needed

Sunday 19 May 2013

Elastic Bands

I seem to have a multiplying pile of elastic bands. I only had three when I first moved into my office. They seem to get everywhere and aren't very good at staying in their box. My desk is usually covered in them! Mr Paperclip Man enjoys using them as a bouncy castle and to just lounge around...

Creepy Crawlies

I had thought that I had left the scary spiders behind when I left Australia. That was until this arrived with the post...

Tuesday 14 May 2013

Into the Unknown

Mr Paperclip Man ventured bravely to see what was in the Boss' office...

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Glory, Glory Man United

After hearing the news today that Fergie is to retire at the end of the season, Mr Paperclip Man and Miss Paperclip Lady have a football match in his honour.

Mr Paperclip Man is set up for an easy shot at close range - but can Miss Paperclip Lady stop it?

Oh, but it's just not quite on target! As Miss Paperclip Lady takes a dive all Mr Paperclip Man can do is look on as his shot hits the post

I don't believe it! Mr Paperclip Man heads the ball as it rebounds off the post... can he...?

Oh, what a goal! It soars over Miss Paperclip Lady's head and into the net. Mr Paperclip Man celebrates by sliding on his knees as the crowd go wild!

Friday 3 May 2013

New Weapon!

The other day I was looking for more pens at the spare desk in the office and I found this post knife. I have claimed it for my desk now... means less paper cuts when opening the post!

Unfortunately it doesn't help with stuffing envelopes at the end of the day... I currently have a very large paper cut on the tip of one of my fingers. Offices are dangerous places!

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Office Zorbing

Our office has just got a new supplier for our toner. Today I opened the box for the magenta toner and found the cartridge inside what I can only describe as an air envelope...

Mr Paperclip Man has fun with the new packaging

He hangs out inside it

The spare shelf comes in handy - Mr Paperclip Man has set up a ramp to roll down

Half way down and upside down

And he reaches the bottom. 

Monday 22 April 2013

April Showers

The rain has come back and Spring has finally arrived

Mr Paperclip Man watches the raindrops forming on the window

Wednesday 10 April 2013

Office Transport

Spring is threatening to arrive so Mr Paperclip Man and Miss Paperclip Lady have a new way to get to the office...

Showing off their shiny new bikes

Mr Paperclip Man gets cocky and freewheels down the telephone receiver (inevitably the phone rang whilst he was having fun)

The pair head off for a nice ride along the computer monitor

And through that door in the background is the boss's office.
Mr Paperclip Man has been waiting for an opportunity to explore in there...

Much as I would like to take credit for the awesome paperclip bikes, I did not make them. I was in a great little shop at the weekend when I saw them -

Tuesday 26 March 2013

The Return of Winter

It should be spring. There should be flowers blooming and leaves appearing on the trees. Instead we have snow. We even had snow in the office...

Mr Paperclip Man and Miss Paperclip Lady have fun in a snowdrift

The newly engaged couple make a snowman together

Friday 15 March 2013

Loud Noises

Today we had some toner delivered for the printer. It came in a huge box filled mainly with air pillows. They all needed bursting... 

Mr Paperclip Man and Miss Paperclip Lady enjoying bouncing on the pillows

And then bursting them with a bang!

With hindsight I should maybe have waited until the boss was off the phone before causing such a sudden loud bang.

Wednesday 6 March 2013

Spring, Stars and Love

Today something very exciting happened in the office. It all began when Mr Paperclip Man asked Miss Paperclip Lady to go for a walk with him...

They walked through the fields where flowers were starting to bloom

They walked and talked until the stars started to shine

And then Mr Paperclip Man got down on one knee, gave Miss Paperclip Lady his heart and asked her to marry him