Friday 19 October 2012

That Friday Feeling

It's the weekend! I've survived my first week in office employment (just about!) and I'm appreciating the weekend. This is the first time that a weekend has made any difference to me since May 2011. Working 9 - 5 is making me appreciate the evenings a lot more and some how I seem to be a lot more productive when at home. However I would definitely take sailing over an office job any day! I was thinking fondly of those sailing trips today when I hit my head on a fire extinguisher, that's definitely something I would do on a boat. I'm hoping that the office isn't going to try to kill me quite as much as Condor did, although I imagine if I fell through the roof of the office I would have a lot more than just a bad back!

Mr Paperclip Man hanging around surveying the office from his little perch on my desk 

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