Monday 29 October 2012

Getting the post

Today's title sounds quite boring. But that is because you don't know what I found on an envelope this morning...

That's right, it's a letter with a moustache on it!

It seems the Royal Mail are supporting Movember (details can be found here and so Mr Paperclip Man has decided he too will take part in Movember.

Guys should note that whilst the Royal Mail may support Movember, girlfriends might not be 100% behind it...

Saturday 27 October 2012


This week we spent ages trying to find a file. Eventually we found it in the filing cabinet exactly where it should be. Which was odd given that no other file in the office is actually where it's meant to be...

Mr Paperclip Man hanging out with the filing cabinet

Monday 22 October 2012


Today I made a catapult out of two pencils and an elastic band. I then tried to shoot scrunched up bits of paper into the desk tidy. No one noticed until I accidentally sent a ball of paper flying across the room and across a colleagues desk!

Mr Paperclip Man has a go at firing the catapult
(I should add that if he did fire it from the position he would probably hit the boss...)

Friday 19 October 2012

That Friday Feeling

It's the weekend! I've survived my first week in office employment (just about!) and I'm appreciating the weekend. This is the first time that a weekend has made any difference to me since May 2011. Working 9 - 5 is making me appreciate the evenings a lot more and some how I seem to be a lot more productive when at home. However I would definitely take sailing over an office job any day! I was thinking fondly of those sailing trips today when I hit my head on a fire extinguisher, that's definitely something I would do on a boat. I'm hoping that the office isn't going to try to kill me quite as much as Condor did, although I imagine if I fell through the roof of the office I would have a lot more than just a bad back!

Mr Paperclip Man hanging around surveying the office from his little perch on my desk 

Doing the shredding

You know it's bad when you're having to keep yourself entertained by doing one of the most mundane of office tasks... Shredding.

Today Mr Paperclip man had a nice relaxing time amongst the shredded paper while I was hard at work.

 Where's Mr Paperclip Man?

There he is! Having a sleep

Thursday 18 October 2012

Staples staples everywhere!

Beware of the killer staplers...

Today Mr Paperclip Man had a scary encounter with a stapler.

*No paperclip men were harmed in the making of today's post*

Tea tea tea

It seems that when working in an office, people drink a lot of tea. Before this week I don't think I'd ever had more than two cups of tea a day. But it's definitely the best way to get the day started at 9 am.

A nice cup of tea makes for a great hot tub!

Mr Paperclip Man

I have recently become what I call a "real person". That means I have a 9-5 job in an office. No more messing about for me! I don't intend to be a real person all my life. Just for now while I save up money for the next big adventure and figure out what I actually want to do in the future. But for now, I have joined the millions of people there are out there that are stuck in an office for 40 hours a week. To keep myself entertained, I have created a friend. His name is Mr Paperclip Man  and together we are going to make my office a slightly more interesting place...