Tuesday 23 April 2013

Office Zorbing

Our office has just got a new supplier for our toner. Today I opened the box for the magenta toner and found the cartridge inside what I can only describe as an air envelope...

Mr Paperclip Man has fun with the new packaging

He hangs out inside it

The spare shelf comes in handy - Mr Paperclip Man has set up a ramp to roll down

Half way down and upside down

And he reaches the bottom. 

Monday 22 April 2013

April Showers

The rain has come back and Spring has finally arrived

Mr Paperclip Man watches the raindrops forming on the window

Wednesday 10 April 2013

Office Transport

Spring is threatening to arrive so Mr Paperclip Man and Miss Paperclip Lady have a new way to get to the office...

Showing off their shiny new bikes

Mr Paperclip Man gets cocky and freewheels down the telephone receiver (inevitably the phone rang whilst he was having fun)

The pair head off for a nice ride along the computer monitor

And through that door in the background is the boss's office.
Mr Paperclip Man has been waiting for an opportunity to explore in there...

Much as I would like to take credit for the awesome paperclip bikes, I did not make them. I was in a great little shop at the weekend when I saw them - http://www.bonkers.uk.com/