Monday 11 February 2013

The Power of Love

Before the weekend there was trouble in the office - Miss Paperclip Lady was tied to the track with no hope of escape. Mr Paperclip Man watched on utterly helpless....

Seeing Miss Paperclip Lady about to be run over by a killer stapler suddenly gives Mr Paperclip Man a sudden surge of strength. He must save her or die trying!

He pushes the hole punch up 

And he manages to escape from his prison

He runs over to untie Miss Paperclip Lady... has he enough time? The stapler approaches fast!

Yes! He's rescued her. Evil Dr Paperclip Man passes the spot where moments before Miss Paperclip Lady had been lying. They are safe and back together again. Phew!

But what's this?! Mr Paperclip Man asleep on his bed of elastic bands...

Maybe it was all a dream...??!

But then again... maybe not...

Friday 8 February 2013

Tied to the Track

We left Mr Paperclip Man stuck in the hole punch with no hope of escape...

Today Miss Paperclip Lady found him and tried to rescue him

 But it was a trap! Evil Dr Paperclip Man came and grabbed her!

Evil Dr Paperclip Man tied Miss Paperclip Lady to the track... 

And slowly Evil Dr Paperclip Man and the stapler approach Miss Paperclip Lady

Miss Paperclip Lady is tied to the track with no hope of escape as Evil Dr Paperclip Man gets nearer and nearer on his stapler train. Mr Paperclip Man watches on helplessly as he is still stuck in the hole punch. What will become of them?

Is this the end for Mr Paperclip Man and Miss Paperclip Lady?!!

Thursday 7 February 2013

It's a Trap!

Mr Paperclip Man's latest adventure in the office...

"I wonder where this leads?"

Over the keyboard...                                                    Over the telephone cord

Crawling under the stapler

And over the calculator

"Ooh a cave full of the insides of holes!"


The hole punch snapped closed and Mr Paperclip Man is stuck inside!


What will become of Mr Paperclip Man?!

Friday 1 February 2013

Tippex Mouse Riding...'s the office equivalent to horseback riding.

Mr Paperclip Man and Miss Paperclip Lady enjoying a leisurely ride along the desk