Tuesday 29 January 2013

Top Gear Date

Today Mr Paperclip Man took Miss Paperclip Lady to the big screen at the end of the desk where they had a quiet date catching up with the latest episode of Top Gear.

Saturday 26 January 2013

Happy Australia Day!

Mr Paperclip Man wishes all you crazy Australians a Happy Australia day and wishes he could be with you instead of stuck in an office

Friday 25 January 2013

Anyone for Tennis?

Today while we were listening to Andy Murray narrowly beat Roger Federer, Mr Paperclip Man and Miss Paperclip Lady had a tennis match of their own.

Mr Paperclip Man gets ready to serve

Miss Paperclip Lady manages to reach the ball...

And she returns a high ball to Mr Paperclip Man... will he get to it in time?

 Mr Paperclip Man just manages to hit the ball

The final result was 2 sets to 1 in favour of Mr Paperclip Man - he's having none of this chivalry rubbish!

Burns Night

Mr Paperclip Man wearing his kilt in honour of Burns Night

Monday 21 January 2013


Mr Paperclip Man had a lot of fun sliding from the pin-board to the desk...

Saturday 19 January 2013

The Old Days

This week I had to photocopy a lease that dated back to 1931. There were some additional pages that had been added to the document when it was created. In those days they used pins to attach papers together. 

This pin must be about 80 years old and was very rusty! I thought it was going to disintegrate as I moved it! Mr Paperclip Man was interested to see what he would have been made out of had we been around that long ago.

Saturday 12 January 2013

Doing the accounts

Mr Paperclip Man and I have been using a calculator!

I have tried so hard to not become an accountant like my dad but since working in an office I have discovered that I actually don't mind being given an unbalanced ledge and having to work out what went wrong. It's actually quite worrying. Maybe it's just because it means I get to use my brain which hasn't really been used since I left St Andrews 18 months ago.

Thursday 10 January 2013

Certified Copies

Today I accidentally certified my desk as a true copy of the original when trying to get the stamp to work...

It's OK, it'll come off when I next spill my tea over the desk!


I've had a few worried messages asking me if Mr Paperclip Man is still alive. Don't worry! He just got caught up in the Christmas Spirit but is now looking forward to more adventures in 2013.

Christmas has been and gone. It got quite busy over Christmas so Mr Paperclip Man and Miss Paperclip Lady just had a little Christmas tree on the desk. They enjoyed their first Christmas together!