Wednesday 12 December 2012

Playing with the photocopier

Today Mr Paperclip Man got really really bored and photocopied his bum...

And here is the result:

Miss Paperclip Lady is never going to be able to resist that!

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Afternoon Tea

Today Mr Paperclip Man and Miss Paperclip Lady had their second date and enjoyed afternoon tea while I worked hard

Monday 3 December 2012

All you need is love

Today Mr Paperclip Man and Miss Paperclip Lady went on their first date!

Mr Paperclip Man shaved his Movember Moustache for the date and brought flowers

Then he took her to the office cinema - they had their own private showing 

And then the two love-birds had dinner at a table made of staples

Finally they went for a walk along the windowsill to see the outside world, holding hands as they went.