Friday 30 November 2012

Mr Paperclip Man Backs Himself

I must start by apologising for the title of this post - this is a reference to my Uni days and the strange strange people I knew there! So today Mr Paperclip Man worked up the courage to ask Miss Paperclip Lady out on a date! Naturally she couldn't refuse his charm (I mean who would refuse such an impressive moustache?!!)

Mr Paperclip Man asks Miss Paperclip Lady on a date

Next week we'll find out if this is the start of something exciting or if the date was a disaster that causes tension at work...

Building Tables

This week we had an Ikea delivery. Naturally this mean that we also had to work out the instructions to put up the table. We did get there in the end, although it took a few attempts to figure out what they were telling us to do.

Mr Paperclip Man tries to make sense of the instructions. 
(His moustache has grown well over Movember!)

Tuesday 27 November 2012

She's Beauty and She's Grace...

Introducing Miss Paperclip Lady!

Miss Paperclip Lady arrived in the office just in time to save Mr Paperclip Man from a sticky situation with the shredder. She has been settling in to office life and has found a friend in Mr Paperclip Man. She hasn't joined him on any of his daring adventures yet... but there's still plenty of time!

Monday 19 November 2012

Mouse surfing

Today I let Mr Paperclip Man control my mouse. He wanted to be naughty and play games...

Then he went mouse surfing!

Mr Paperclip Man is Saved

We left Mr Paperclip Man struggling to hold on to the side of the shredder faced with what could be a very sticky end. But then out of nowhere a hand was extended.

Miss Paperclip Lady had come to save him. She grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the shredder to safety. Phew! Mr Paperclip Man lives on to explore the office and now he has a new friend to explore with him!

Friday 16 November 2012

Disaster with the shredder!

While at work today Mr Paperclip Man took a walk and fell into the shredder!

He struggled to hold on but fell further towards the spinning blades... slipping and sliding it looked as though he was going to a messy and premature end. His whole life was flashing before his eyes...

But then suddenly when it looked like all hope was gone, a small hand reached out from no where... whose hand is this? Will they reach him in time? What is to become of Mr Paperclip Man?

Monday 12 November 2012

Dreaming of the old office..

Today Mr Paperclip Man found a picture of my old office and wanted to know why my new office isn't as awesome. I had to tell him that England doesn't really do paradise or sunshine. Here is Henry the duck sailing on Condor, reminding me of a time when I got paid to sail around the Whitsundays. I miss those days.

Ring ring ring

We got a new phone system and have had some issues getting it to work... like trying to remember how to return to a call after putting it on hold. Or how to transfer a call to somebody else. Or how to make a call to an outside line... But generally all these issues are over now. Although I did have a fun time making a spreadsheet of over 1100 phone numbers to put on our system. And by fun I mean mind-numbingly painful.

Mr Paperclip Man tries out the new phones

Thursday 1 November 2012


November is here at last, the days are getting shorter and the weather is getting rubbish (I joke, it's been rubbish for a while now). With November brings Mr Paperclip Man's moustache.

Good luck growing one as big as his!